Complaints & Warranty
Before we pack our products you will receive an email with pictures of your purchased product. These pictures show you the quality and finishing of the products and that they have left our warehouse in absolute perfect condition. All products are double packed carefully in a helmet bag, a Kep Italia box and thick transport box. Unfortunately, it sometimes occurs that a product is damaged during transport or that something else happens which damages the product. If anything like this happens to your package, please let us know within 48 hours of receipt. When the product does not meet your expectations or something else.
It is always possible that something does not go quite as planned. We recommend that you first report complaints to us by If this does not lead to a solution, it is possible to register your dispute for mediation through WebwinkelKeur via
In addition it's also possible for consumers in the EU to report complaints through the European Commission's ODR platform. This ODR platform can be found at If your complaint is not already being processed elsewhere you are free to file your complaint through the European Union platform.
In the event of complaints, a consumer should first contact the entrepreneur. If the online store is affiliated with WebwinkelKeur and for complaints that cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, the consumer should contact WebwinkelKeur (c), who will free mediation.
Check whether this online store has a current membership via If a solution is not found, the consumer has the option to have his complaint handled by the consumer WebwinkelKeur appointee independent disputes committee, its decision is binding and both the entrepreneur and the consumer agree to this binding decision. Submitting a dispute to this disputes committee involves costs that must be paid by the consumer to the relevant committee.